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Requiem Mass for Rev. Fr. Everett Allen Roman Carter Rowley, OP

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On July 2, 2018, at 4:30 p.m., there was a requiem mass for Fr. Carter at Rosary Church, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The mass was presided by the Reverend Lawrence Lee, Chancellor of the Diocese, and a close collaborator with Fr. Carter from 1993 to 2009. It was concelebrated by the Dominican Fathers, Fr. Michael, Fr. Sergio Arturo, Assistants Pastors at Rosary Church and Fr. Ambrose Mong. The Dominican novices and students as well as a large congregation of faithful, mainly members of the different charismatic and prayer groups, served by Fr. Carter, as spiritual director, were in attendance. These were responsible for the liturgy and the music. 

In his homily Fr. Lawrence made reference to the main apostolates in which Fr. Carter involve himself while in Hong Kong, such as Chaplain of the English Military Forces, Coordinator for the Charismatic movement, active involvement in the ecumenical dialogue, Radio commentator and programmer for the religious programs… Particular emphasis was place in the drafting of the constitution for the charismatic renewal movement that was approved by the then Bishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal John Tong, the number of religious programs in radio IV and his theological equanimity in all matter related to the apostolate. Fr. Lawrence also acknowledges Fr. Carter’s availability to help whenever was called to have a talk or preside over a healing mass or to give advices  to married couples or when and issue was presented to him. Fr. Carter never said no whenever we asked for help and assistance in matters related to ecumenism, charismatic groups, migrants and Catholic radio programs. Finally, Fr. Lawrence said: I know, and it has been reported, that Fr. Carter had imparted lessons at different theological centers like that of Santo Tomas in Manila and was well known in several countries for his commitment to the charismatic movement. In summary, we miss a friend, a wise adviser, a preacher and a theologian, thus in hope and faith we believe that he already shares God’s glory! May the Lord who is the resurrection and the life, grant to Fr. Carter the resurrection and the life that he so earnestly and generously preached as a man of faith. 

Three representatives from three different charismatic and prayer groups in Hong Kong were also invited at the end of the mass to share their experiences with Fr. Carter’s ministry and how much they had benefited from a wise, joyful and knowledgeable preacher and teacher.