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Celebration: Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary

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Yearly we commemorate the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary, Patroness of our Province, therefore, I would like to invite you to renew your commitment to prayer and brotherhood so that strengthened by the power of the Spirit we may be ready to answer like her with renewed generosity: “Here I am Lord, let it be done to me according to your word”.

Likewise, this feast is a marvelous opportunity to thank God for the blessings he has showered upon each and every single brother of the Province and for the gift of service we have faithfully rendered to the mission of preaching. However, no matter how perfect we may be and how generously we have served, we know that, as human beings, there were and there will be numerous shortcomings. Thus, we should never cease renewing, re-analyzing our determination to do our best and to implore the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary upon us and our ministry.

We are surrounded by conflicts, wars, injustices and natural calamities across the world, but if we look within our houses we also realize that we must be more generous and faithful in our commitments to prayer, community and work. We have to forgive and forget countless numbers of things so that we can become more brotherly united in the bond of charity and peaceful community living. Likewise, we should restrain from spreading news or making comments that do not favor our good name but divulge shortcomings and imperfections that may scandalize those who look at religious life as an ideal and holy way of living.

When mass media is not used in a prudent and fraternal way it may be the source of division and create unwanted polarizations. Recently, I heard stories that I never heard of. This leads me to think that, granted that something has happened, prudence requires to keep matters within the proper boundaries of confidentiality. And, if there is no evidence, then we are spreading false rumors.

The spotless life of the Mother of God is an invitation to all to strife for a holier way of living. Let us resolved to serve God faithfully renewing the joy of mission so that, by being instruments in his hands, we may work for the kingdom of God among his people.

Happy Feast-Day to all! 

Fr. Bonifacio Garcia Solis, OP

Prior Provincial