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Ordination of Deacon of Bro. Anthony Mana Thang

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After 5 days of spiritual retreat in the residence of the Archbishop of Mandalay, our Brother Anthony Mana Thang, OP and two diocesan candidates were ordained deacons on October 24 in Mandalay, Myanmar.

The Eucharist of Deaconate was celebrated by His Excellency Mons. Nicholas Mang Thang, archbishop of Mandalay, Emeritus Archbishop Mons. Paul Graund, and concelebrated by all the diocesan priests of Mandalay, and two Dominican friars. The Eucharistic celebration of Diaconal Ordination coincided with the feast of Our Lady of Fatima in Villa Chanthagone. For this holiday, and for the Diaconal Ordination, the Eucharist was made outside the Church to allow pilgrims and faithful from all over Myanmar to participate in the ceremony.

Bro. Anthony shared some words with us: "I am happy to be ordained as a deacon. The diaconate is, of course, one more step to the priesthood, which is the most precious dream of my life ... I feel happy because my family members were able to attend the ceremony. Although my parents could not come because of their ages, at least some of my brothers and relatives witnessed my ordination ... I am happy because this is the first Dominican ordination in the Archdiocese of Mandalay. It is a testimony for Catholics and non-Catholics.” he asked us to: "Pray for me to serve the Lord and his people with humility and charity in my life as a good Dominican friar"

We congratulate and pray for our Brother and each of the new deacons of the church.