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Prayer for Europe

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In response to these concerns and the Order's commitment to justice and peace, and at this moment in history when Europe seems to be dividing once again, the Dominican brothers and sisters have proposed two initiatives that I wish to support. On the one hand, the European promoters of Justice and Peace have published a text of reflection to raise awareness about the evolution of the social climate in Europe. On the other hand, a group of brothers and sisters has prepared a prayer for Europe, entrusting the people of our continent to God through the intercession of St. Catherine of Siena. You will find these two documents as an annex to this message and on the website I invite you to disseminate them, being able to translate them into your own language, and to use them as widely as possible among the communities of the Dominican family, among all those who frequent our churches, chaplaincies, schools and among all those you meet in your activities. I also invite you to publish them on the respective websites. Especially, I invite you to pray the Prayer for Europe on the occasion of the feast of St. Catherine of Siena, on April 29.In response to these concerns and the Order's commitment to justice and peace, and at this moment in history when Europe seems to be dividing once again, the Dominican brothers and sisters have proposed two initiatives that I wish to support. On the one hand, the European promoters of Justice and Peace have published a text of reflection to raise awareness about the evolution of the social climate in Europe. On the other hand, a group of brothers and sisters has prepared a prayer for Europe, entrusting the people of our continent to God through the intercession of St. Catherine of Siena. You will find these two documents as an annex to this message and on the website I invite you to disseminate them, being able to translate them into your own language, and to use them as widely as possible among the communities of the Dominican family, among all those who frequent our churches, chaplaincies, schools and among all those you meet in your activities. I also invite you to publish them on the respective websites. Especially, I invite you to pray the Prayer for Europe on the occasion of the feast of St. Catherine of Siena, on April 29.

APRIL: PRAYER FOR EUROPE. It is the month to ask for prayer for Europe through the intercession of Saint Catherine of Siena.Letter from the Master of the Order, Fray Bruno Cadoré, to the Dominican Family.Complete documents at: