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Roma: Promulgamus Calendarium Ordinis Praedicatorum

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On 24 June 2019, Solemnity of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, the Master of the Order, fr. Bruno Cadoré OP, signed the Decree of Promulgation of the revised liturgical Calendar of Order, recently approved by the Holy See. The Calendar enters into force with First Vespers of the First Sunday of Advent, 30 November 2019.

The new calendar is the fruit of work of the International Liturgical Commission of the Order (CLIOP) and dialogue with the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacrament over a period of several years. It takes into account the revisions in the Roman Calendar touching on the saints of the Order and the many beatifications and canonisations which have taken place over recent years.

Alongside the Calendar, the Master has also decreed the publication of an index of saints and beati outside the calendar, which can be used in votive celebrations in accordance with the rubrics, and as a guide in the preparation of calendars for the different provinces, monasteries, federations/association and institutes in the Order and the Dominican Family.

In the coming months, CLIOP will be publishing some further indications about the revision of local calendars.

Please download the New Calendar here: Calendarium_Ordinis_2019_cum_decreto_et_indice.pdf