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General Chapter: Reaction to the plenary evaluation after completing 9 years of mandate.

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Bruno Cadorè, OP., has presented his report after 9 years of mandate, on the eve of the end of his term as Master of the Order of Preachers. We present the reactions to the plenary evaluation.

It started talking about preaching, mission, life in common, study; and the integration of these elements to the progress they offer. Emphasizing that communities should be a place of human interaction and prayer. It is necessary to work even more on it.

For brothers to come to know themselves in a period of change, it is important to understand the great value of fraternity. Because our communities must be places of encounter, of justice and peace, even when we are not at ease about it.

Collaboration in initial formation and collaboration between the provinces and institutions under the Master of the Orderis everyone's task. The formation and centralization of funds to help the initial formation should not necessarily be limited to the Dominican centers, but also to other institutions. How to make available the centers we have? How can we make these centers more useful for the Order than for others? The Master of the Order stressed the duty of collaboration with weak entities. Some have been very useful, but it is not enough, therefore, we should think about it.

Regarding ongoing formation, we may have brothers who have not changed after passing the years of formation in the Order and it is necessary to take solutions on this, for example, in Asia, we have organized courses for formators in which we include the sisters and the course of those in formation who have just ordained in Asia Pacific.  Collaborate in the formation is important for the Order to respond to the challenges. There are a number of suggestions. 

Knowing that Ad intra exists: collaboration between provinces, priorates, houses, and the Dominican Family; Ad extra: interreligious dialogue. There must be different forms of solidarity both in the economy and in the integrity between praxis and theory. It is necessary to educate in the formation of technology when it advances so quickly. We cannot forget it, nor eliminate it. We must also collaborate with the local church that does not need Dominicans, but do have their own needs and requirements. Hence, we should be concerned with dialogue and not blind submission. To open frontiers so that brothers could come to a province to be formed. 

We must be custodians of Hope, placing our attentionon vulnerability, indifference and division in our world. How can we instill in the vicariates and provinces the awareness of the needs of their entities? How do we preach in a society of ignorant religious? How often does the Order elect intellectual formation for younger generations in formation, when it should be extended to all? This is a judgment on us, not on the world. We are not appealing to them.

We must be worry about people who, while they may be in good economic condition, may feel alone and in the risk of committing suicide. It is necessary to give testimony that the Church gives its contribution to this and other kinds vulnerabilities. In the Order, we have not given the necessary importance to these issues in the process of initial human formation. Sometimes, we do not listen to each other and that is already a problem. How could we have hope when we do not like to listen?

It is also necessary that formators can train for this trade. The formator has to listen too. Because we look more at the norm than at the deep feelings of the people. We simply impose instead of allowing ourselves to express and listen, for that reason we need to harmonize. In formation, we are in a unique situation, we must first inform our own personal history. We may have made our own mistakes in the past, particularly in formation. And for that we should see who our candidates are.

The commission has men and women who could help us with certain principles. We use to make decisions without having consulted and there are brothers in the Dominican Family who could help us in these matters. To mention one of them, the lack of motivationsad intra, particularly in the friars who are in times of crisis. We are strong and weak and, therefore, we must help.

There are degrees of strength and weakness in each one of us. Which is a theme related to reconciliation. It is necessary not to think that the other is less capable than me. It is imperative that the message of hope and perspective of self-evaluation and self-criticism be present as part of our own responsibility.

In Nigeria are many pastors and people go there to listen to the preachers. They preach very well. After nine years of training we must ask ourselves: do we preach? We do not see that the charisma shines. The Master of the Order advocated a radical change in formation to strengthen the formation of preachers.