After the election of the new Master of the Order, Fr. Gerard Timoner, OP., and also after the oath, the profession of faith, and the discourse given to the capitulars and members of the Dominican Family, the Dominican friars belonging to the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary and Fr. Benedict Fray Ben Mc Cionaoith, OP., of the Province of Ireland, attended the first Mass of Fr. Ignatius Ngo Van Thu Giang, OP., who was ordained as Priest on June 22,2019.
The trip lasted about an hour and a half to Ho Chi Minh City. The Mass began at 5:00 p.m. The homily was delivered by Fr. Peter Thoi, OP., whom is also a member of our province residing in Japan.
Unfortunately, at the end of the Mass Fr Ignatious began to bleed through his nose during his speech of gratitude to the Province, teachers, relatives, the parish priest, visiting priests and other guests. Soon after, the mishap was solved, the parish priest gave the final blessing and the commemorative image was placed on a table prepared by his relatives.