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Rest in Peace Fr. Ecequiel García del Pino, OP.

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Father Ecequiel García del Pino, OP was born in  Noblejas, Toledo Spain on August 20, 1933. He completed his elementary studies at the Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Mejorada in Olmedo, Valladolid. And he did his novitiate at the Convent of Santo Domingo de Ocaña, Toledo in 1946.

Fray Ecequiel after completing his first religious profession on August 5, 1951, began his Institutional studies in Philosophy and Theology at the Convent of Santo Tomás in Ávila, graduating in 1957. He completed his studies at the Convent of Oakland, California USA in 1959. Our brother also completed complementary studies in Pastoral Theology at the University Santo Tomás  in Manila, Philippines. I also studied Arts, Political Science at the University of San Agustín, Iloilo; and Education Sciences in the UST.

Father Ecequiel was a man sensitive to art and forms that reflected beauty and refer us to God itself. He was a man of unparalleled pastoral service. He was an excellent teacher, chaplain, vice-director of schools, and coadjutor of several parishes in Manila.

He lived in the Royal Convent of Santo Tomás in Ávila under the care of his Dominican brothers and trained personnel for his needs. He left for the Father's house on September 17, 2019. The Funeral Mass will be celebrated in the Parish of Santo Tomás on September 19, 2019 at 11:00 am, Ávila.

We pray in the Province for his eternal rest.