With deep sorrow, we inform that fr. Paulino Franco passes away on March 21, 2020. Paulino had overcome bronchitis, however, he died of a heart attack.
Paulino Franco Sastre, OP, born in Lagunilla de la Vega, Palencia, on August 11, 1938. In this city, he studied his Elementary studies at Escuela Nacional Lagunilla. In 1955, he moved to the Royal Convent of Santo Tomás to make his novitiate year. He professed on August 22, 1956, and lived his entire Dominican religious life as a Cooperator Brother.
For the best performance of his vocation, he completed complementary studies as a plumbing officer in Madrid in 1963. However, Brother Paulino also became Vicar of the Provincial Vicariate of Spain, Syndic at the San Pedro Mártir Convent from 1977 to 1983; Similarly in our convent of Via Condotti in Rome in the years 1985-1988. Then, in the Convent of Santo Domingo in the city of Ocaña from 1994-1998. He died in the Convento Real de Santo Tomás in the city of Ávila at the age of 82. We pray for his eternal rest and we thank God for the service and dedication of this brother in evangelization and the construction of the Kingdom of God.
Funeral acts will be held starting at 9:00 am at the cemetery gate. Due to the filming situation of COVID-19, it has been recommended that only 4 people should be present. For this reason, we ask all of you to join us in prayer for the eternal rest of our brother, for his relatives and for the members of the community of the Convent of Santo Tomás in Ávila.
Rest in peace.