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Rest in Peace Fr. Roberto García González, OP.

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With sorrow, we announce that Fr. Roberto García González, OP died in Arcas Reales, Valladolid, Spain on Tuesday, May 30, 2020. He died after having been hospitalized for a few days.

Fr. Roberto García González was born  in Parana, Asturia in January 18, 1936. He did elementary studies in La Mejorada, Olmedo – Valladolid, Santa María de Nieva – Segovia, and Arcas Reales, Valladolid from 1949 to 1955.

Fr Roberto did his noviciate in Convento de Santo Domingo, Ocaña – Toledo in 1949 and he make his first religious profession on 1956. Afterward, He began to study Philosophy in Convento de Santo Tomás, Ávila, and in Convento San Pedro Mártir (1956 - 1959). Later, He studied theology in Convento San Pedro Mártir, Madrid, and in Convento Santo Tomás, Ávila from 1959 to 1964. Besides, Fr. Roberto did eastern ecclesiastical science studies (1964-1968).

The priestly ordination of Fr. Roberto was held in the Convent of Arcas Reales on June 30, 1963.

Fr. Roberto also carried out complementary studies, including Bachelor of Philosophy in Madrid. Lecturer in Theology, and Doctor in Eastern Ecclesiastical Sciences.

 The pastoral ministry was his more relevant characteristics of Fray Robert´s life, he founded several Confraternities to the Blessed Sacrament in the different parts where he was assigned as a missionary. Roberto was assigned to the Provincial Vicariate of Spain and Venezuela, He was a professor of Theology, Madrid from 1969 to 1976. He was also a vocation promoter. Also, he was a syndic in Arcas Reales (1985 -1987), Vicar Parish of Our Lady of Carmen Parish, Barinas - Venezuela. He was a professor of religion at the Colegio Arzobispo Mendez in the same city.

The community of Dominican friars mourns the death of our brother Fr. Roberto García González, OP. T. We continue to pray for his eternal rest.