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HONG KONG: Bro. Bonaventure And Bro. Louis Renewed Their Vows.

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On the 29th of June, on the Solemnity of the Apostles SS. Peter and Paul, two of our brothers, Br. Bonaventure Qi Mengzhao, OP.,  and Br. Louis Wang Weijiang, OP., made their renewal of religious profession for one year during the community Mass incorporated with Lauds. Fr. Hyacinth HE, OP., Prior of the Convent of St. Albert the Great, presided over the Eucharist. 

Fr. Hyacinth emphasized to both of the brothers in his the homily that these two apostles, like the rest of his followers, were personally called by Jesus Himself in different ways. Each man had a unique personality and character which at times clashed and in different circumstances, they would not have been friends or even social acquaintances. Nonetheless, each of them faithfully realized their vocation, persevering to the end. The two apostles were chosen by Jesus. They came from different cultural backgrounds, different lifestyles and had different personalities and characters. They also quarrelled because of different opinions, Paul even criticized Peter, but they leave us an example, as they could communicate with each other fraternally, even as they could also quarrel radically. However, their purpose was not personal, but solely for the sake of Jesus and for the kingdom, the communion and harmony of the church, to find out the will of God together.

Like these two great apostles, we have been called to follow Jesus. We come from different countries and cultures and grew up in diverse backgrounds. We are also called with all our personal baggage, our deficiencies and limitations. That is why, when we allow different opinions and express them in our communities, we also have the capacity to accommodate one another, tolerate differences and communicate, share, integrate and seek consensus in order to come to the common good.

Bonaventure and Louis were called by Jesus to follow Him, and they renewed their commitment as friars of the Order of Preacher, in the Province of Our Lady of the Rosary. In a way they have imitated Peter willing to move further onward, willing to go deeper, to profess their faith, to preach the Gospel. It is also in imitation of Paul who kept his faith and witnessed the life of the Gospel.

We pray in the most special way for these two brothers, asking God to give them the gift of youthful enthusiasm, the ardent passion for the Gospel and the grace of apostolic zeal to accept all trials and challenges along the way. Finally, may they persevere in their profession till the end, serving the Lord Jesus Christ forever.