The Community of Dominican friars of the Convent of the Holy Trinity in Rome witnessed the renewal of vows by some of the Dominican Brothers assigned to this community. The first renewal of vows took place on June 30. Bro. Basil Fan Youfei, OP. renewed his vows for a year during Morning Prayer in the hands of Bro. Felipe Trigueros Buena, Prior of the community.
The second renewal of vows was on July 8 by our Brothers Richardger J. Ávila Legitime, OP, and Hector J. Guedez Aguirre, OP. Both of them renewed their simple profession for one year in the hands of Bro. Felipe Trigueros Buena, OP, Prior of the community. The renewal of the profession was held during the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fray Miguel Angel Sanromán, OP. Members of the community and several faithful, who regularly come to our Church, joined the Dominican community for the occasion.
We pray to God asking him to help these brothers in the discernment of their vocation in the Dominican life and to help then to be faithful to their promises of chastity, poverty and obedience so as to be able to contribute to the proclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven.