The General Chapter of Bologna 2016 emphasizes the need to renew our vocation to preaching as a family. “AMANECER” narrates experiences of preaching, work, study, prayer, it shows how our Province evangelizes. It presents experiences we have by sharing with others, as a family, within diversity and with creativity.
This task has required to make an option for the Dominican charism. In the province, we have a dialogue and seeing what is the best way to preach de Gospel. At the same time, this option demands ongoing formation through life.
We understand that living and preaching as a family is not an imposition of the circumstances of age, nor a matter of lacking of vocations, or because life force us to do it. The real reason is because living in community and preaching is a way of being Dominicans.
The essence of our way of living is reflected where we are. We are in new lands sharing with other brothers and sisters, friars or lay people, believers or atheists. It is not a strategy, nor a planning for the future, it is our identity; It is not a simple doing it together.
We want to tell about our way of preaching, working socially, praying, studying, experiences in which "the community" internally and externally prevails; We want to show those experiences in which we feel that with others we can better develop certain services and visualize better the shared preaching.
It is the best way to be united, to agree, to value the other, to take out the hidden generosity of all, knowing that we do not lose what is ours, but we add and thus we make more gospel. The magazine AMANECER is a good example of this shared preaching.
"Amanecer" has accompanied us over several years in printed version with interesting articles of evangelization in our province. Now it is within our reach also in digital version. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the new blog http://amanecerdominicos.blogspot.com.es.
You can download the digital version monthly through our Vicariate of Spain portal, www.holyrosaryprovince.org