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Avila: Diaconate ordination of Fr. Marcos García and Fr. Rafael Jiménez.

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Three words define the diaconal ordination ceremony of our brothers, - Solemn, simple, heartfelt-. On November 15, 2020, our Dominican brothers, Fr. Marcos Julio García Sánchez, OP., And Fr. Rafael Jesús Jiménez Morillo, OP., Were ordained deacons at the Royal Monastery of Santo Tomás de Ávila.

The Ceremony was presided over by Monsignor José María Gil, Bishop of Ávila, who fraternally accompanied our brothers since before the ceremony. In his preaching, Monsignor José María emphasized humility and service, two characteristics of St. Albert the Great, a Dominican saint who was celebrated in the Order of Preachers on the day of ordination. Knowing the Venezuelan reality, he highlighted in his homily the mission that God entrusts to Fr. Marcos in that context of poverty and suffering that his country lives. In addition, he reminded both friars that both were called to effectively transmit the mystery of God.

The Ceremony was presided over by Monsignor José María Gil Tamayo, Bishop of Ávila, who fraternally accompanied our brothers. In his preaching, Monsignor José María emphasized humility and service, as two characteristics of Saint Albert the Great, a Dominican saint that was celebrated in the Order of Preachers on the day of ordination. Monsignor, addressed to Fr. Marcos for being Venezuelan, I emphasize the state of poverty and suffering that this country lives and that is the preaching ground to bring the Good News. And he reminded both friars that they were called to effectively transmit the mystery of God.

The celebration was attended by Fr. Cesar Valero, OP., Vicar of the Provincial in Spain, members of the Dominican family, and from different apostolate groups belonging to the parish, two sisters of the Congregation of Carmelite Slave of the Holy Family, who kindly sang the ordination ceremony. Fray Marcos comments: "They left their obligations to come and accompany us and it is something for which we will be eternally grateful". Also, the Dominican Missionary Sisters of Santo Domingo, the Lay Dominicana, the entire community of the Royal Monastery of Santo Tomás, and those who live in the infirmary attended. And, as special guests Mr. Nicasio Jiménez, and Mrs. Juana Morillo de Jiménez, parents of Fray Rafael, and his brothers, were accompanied him and supporting Fray Marcos.

Fr. José Vicente Olmos, OP.,  who was a missionary in Venezuela for many years, sang the litanies. He did it beautifully. Many other friars wanted to be present but the pandemic limited that desire. Fr. Marcos tells us "the ceremony was simply solemn and the anointing of the Holy Spirit was felt"

The dressing of Fr. Rafael Jiménez, OP., With the diaconal ornaments was made by Fr. Carlos Rodríguez Linera, OP., Prior of the Monastery, and Fr. Emiliano Pérez, sub-prior of that community. Fr. Marcos García, OP., was dressed by Fr. Abilio Vicente Zurdo, OP., a friar who has been for many years as a missionary in Venezuela, and Fr. Jerónimo Fuerte, OP., who was for many years a missionary in Japan, who is currently the Parish Priest of the Santo Tomás de Aquino Parish.

for watching the ordination ceremony CLICK HERE


Fr. Marcos García, OP., is a Venezuelan born in Mucuchies, Mérida and grew up in the southern area of ​​Maracaibo´s lake. He is a social communicator with a sensitivity for music since his birth, both qualities have been developed and offered at the service of preaching the word of God. You can follow him on his Instagram account @miamigoelfray. Marcos tells us: "there were many years in which I was convinced that my vocation was towards religious life as a cooperating brother, however, God's will allowed my heart to change its mind and feel the call to priestly life". Discernment has come to fruition, it took years but he has followed the voice that has called him to this vocation.

Fray Marcos studied at the Colegio Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, a school run by the Dominican Sisters of Santa Rosa de Lima, Venezuelan Foundation. who introduced him to the charism of the Order of Preachers from an early age, placing in his hands a book on the life of Saint Martin de Porres and the Dominican ideal. He entered as a postulant to the Order of Preachers in the Vicariate in Venezuela in 1995. Afterword, he completed his novitiate year at the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Convent, Colombia in 1996. He studied Philosophy at the Institute for Religious, Faculty of Theology of the Andrés Bello Catholic University, Caracas Venezuela and culminated in the Santo Tomás de Aquino University Institute, Diocesan Seminary of San Cristobal, Tachira. Also, he studied Theology at the Santo Tomás de Aquino University, Bogotá since 2010, finishing at the Pontifical University of Medellín Colombia in 2014. He is currently part of the team of the vocational promotion in the vicariate of Spain.

Rafael Jiménez ,. OP  is a Dominican friar who has consecrated himself to the intellectual life as a way of living in assiduous prayer, according to Fray Marcos. He was born in Seville in the city of El Viso del Alcor, Spain. Since he was a child, he found his vocation towards religious life meeting Fray Nicasio Jimenez, a Dominican religious belonging to the old Betica Province, now the Province of Hispania. According to Fray Rafael, his love for studying and for the person of Saint Thomas Aquinas comes from the testimony of his Dominican uncle.

Fray Rafael is a friar 30 years old characterized by being a mature and fraternal man, as well as a detail-oriented man in everything related to the liturgical celebration due to his studies in sacred music, according to Fr. Marcos. He completed his novitiate in Hong Kong at the San Alberto Convent. Since his novitiate experience, he has been cultivating his vocation as a Dominican friar. He is also currently part of the Vocational Promotion team in the Vicariate in Spain.

Fray Rafael studied Law and Political Science at the University of Seville. He studied Philosophy, Theology in England and Italy. Now he is studying Canon Law in Salamanca.

The Province of Our Lady of the Rosary celebrates with joy the ordination of our brothers. Congratulations!

By Fr. Modesto Fontela, OP.