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Fr. Pio Yu You Sin has been Ordained as Priest

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Our brother PIO YU YOU SIN has been ordained as Priest by the Auxiliary Bishop of the archdiocese of Seoul Reverend Peter Chung Soon-taick on the 24th of February at our Chapel of St. Dominic House in Seoul. 

The Mass was concelebrated by all the dominican brothers actually present in Korea and a group of diocesan priests together with members of other religious families. From the Curia in Hong Kong Fr. T. Merino was also present on this memorable event. A large group of Korean Catholics, men and women, joined in the celebration particularly from the Lay Dominican Fraternities. 
A group of Dominican Sisters gave added value to the ceremony with their presence and their contribution to the music ministry. Altogether it has been a day to remember for the Dominicans and for the Church in Korea.