Clothing of Dominican habit in Timor Leste
On January 10, 2022, Marito de Jesús Amaral, Egino da Costa Vicente and Rolindo Tilman Moniz began the novitiate in the house of St. Dominic of Guzman in Hera.
In the same ceremony 4 new aspirants began the aspirantate and they joined the 3 of the previous year.
The ceremony was presided over by Br. Santiago Saiz, superior of the community. The brothers assigned to East Timor and some friends of the Dominican family attended the ceremony.
The Master of Novices, Br. Isidro Aragón, will oversee their formation.
It is the first time that the novitiate will be held there since on other occasions the young people of East Timor have traveled to Hong Kong to join the novitiate of the Holy Rosary Province.