(EN) Every year, Japan celebrates its Culture Day on November 3rd. On this day, the government publishes in the national press the names of people, both Japanese and foreigners, who had been awarded for their collaboration in promoting Japanese culture in different aspects of social life. This year the name of our brother Fr. Jovino appears along with two other people who work and reside in Japan.
The English transcription of the name of the Decoration is: "The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon", and the reason: "Contributing to the Promotion of private school education in Japan".
The news was announced on the local television and press where our brother works and the television of Ehime Province made a long interview with him.
He received the award on the 13th of November in Tokyo. After the official ceremony, they had an audience with the Emperor at the imperial palace. This is the second decoration he has been awarded by the Japanese government.
The first was from the Ministry of Education. Recognition by the Japanese society and government for the work he had been doing for 55 years in Japan as a missionary.
Decoration awarded to Fr. Jovino San Miguel by the Japanese government.
Holy Rosary Province
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