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Priesthood, Diaconate and Blessed Conventual Church in Myanmar

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With joy and thanks we announce that on Monday, April 3, 2018 we witness the Ordination to the Priesthood of Fray Joseph Pakhu, OP and Fray Fraany Michael Tony, OP and that to the Diaconate of Brother Pablito Thu Reh, OP at the entrance of the newly blessed Conventual Church of Our Lady of the Rosary at our House of St. Thomas Aquinas, in Loikaw Myanmar

The ordination and blessing was presided by Bishop Stephen Tjephe, the local Ordinary, and the attendance of Bishop Sotero Phamo, Bishop Peter Caku and Basilio Athai, the latter being the preacher. The ceremony counted with the attendance of all the Dominicans working in Myanmar, Fr. Matthew Shing (representing the Vicariate of the Philippines), Fr. Lawrence Reh (representing the community of St. Dominic Priory in Macau where the three Brothers had completed Philosophy and Theology. Likewise there were 74 priest concelebrating, many religious and lay faithful.

Fray Bonifacio Garcia Solis, representing the Province, who at the end of the celebration delivered the words of thanks in which he mentioned the contributions of Bishop Sotero to the presence of the Dominicans in Myanmar.

Early in the morning on April 4 Bishop Stephen Tjephe presided the mass of thanksgiving and delivered the homily. The Provincial and Fr. John have to leave during this mass for Yangon. 

On this same day the Cardinal of Yangon Charles Maung Bo and Fr. Bonifacio García Solís signed the agreement through which the Archdiocese of Yangon entrust the parish of Santa Gemma Galgani for 20 years to the Dominicans. The Prior Provincial thanked his Eminence for the trust deposited on the Brothers.