In Asia, we received the latest issue of the journal STUDIUM about the last week of May (2024). The issue is the first of Volume LXIV (January-April) 2024).
This Volume has 173 pages and contains five interesting and well-researched essays, and an enriching Bibliography. The five themes developed are the following: (1) Algunos conceptos fundamentales del pensamiento de Santo Tomás de Aquino para el desarrollo de una ética realista. (2) Notes on Lectio Divina as Path to Contemplation and Compassion. (3) El concepto de obediencia durante la restauración de la Orden de Predicadoras en el siglo XIX. Las aportaciones de Lacordaire, Jandel, Cormier. (4) La evangelización, estrella polar de los estudios eclesiásticos. (5) El matrimonio como expresión de amor entre Cristo y la Iglesia.
STUDIUM is a fourth-month Journal of Philosophy and Theology published by the Pontifical Institutes of Philosophy and Theology OP (Madrid) of the Dominican Province of Our Lady of the Rosary. Until a few years ago, the Journal was published in Spanish only. At present it contains some articles in English: the official languages of this Missionary Province are currently Spanish and English.